Berot Itzhak (English)

We present to you the 135 th issue of the journal "Beerot Yitzhak" dedicated Parsha "Bear!" We draw your attention to the fact that this week in Israel will read the weekly chapter "Bear", and in the diaspora - "Emor". Materials on the chapter "Emor" you can find in the previous issue of our magazine.
The Parsha "Bear" Thor brings important laws that are relevant for our generation. These laws are multifaceted and even those that are well known to have a lot of hidden and important details. For example, the commandment of tzedakah is known to everyone in the Jewish world. Moreover, in one form or another it is common among peoples of the world. For many, it is obvious that you need to help the poor! But few know that the commandment of tzedakah is an important detail, which follows from the very text of the Torah: Tzedakah - a huge benefit not only for someone to help, but for the person who provides assistance. Read more about this in the article "The commandment of tzedakah - the blessing for the giver," Rabbi Yosef Hayyim (Ben Ish Chai).
We continue the publication in Russian of the Mishnah with the commentary of Rabbi Ovadia of Bartenury and additional explanations. In this room you will find the first of the second chapter of the Mishnah tractate "Berachot". The main topics dealt with at the beginning of the second chapter of the treatise "Berachot": what you need to think when reading the "Shema" and when you can be interrupted while reading. However, the diversity and depth of the Oral Torah is such that, in addition to the main theme, almost any passage carries a lot of interesting and important information. So, for example, an additional commentary on the Mishnah reader learns a lot about the fact that such an intention (Kavana) in the performance of the commandments.
About three sins mentioned, you need to choose death, but do not disturb them: idolatry, bloodshed (murder) and debauchery. If the first two everything seems obvious sins, it's presence in the list of corruption raises questions. Despite the gravity of this sin - unless you can compare it with the murder of a man? However, clearly these three sin are not just in a single list. Despite the fact that the visible material damage from corruption is not so large (compared with the same bloodshed), and spiritual damage that impurity, debauchery which brings into our world, put these sins on one level. Read more about this in the article "Why does the Torah so strictly related to debauchery?" Based on the lessons of Rav Yigal Polishchuk.
The onset of the month of Iyar is often perceived as a spiritual decline. The month of Nisan, with its special sanctity days of Passover replaces the month in which, at first glance, we do not find such lofty and holidays. However, during the time of the Temple, 14 Iyar celebrated a special holiday - Second Passover (Pesach Sheni). After leaving Egypt, not all Jews were able to bring the Passover sacrifice on Nisan 14, and therefore Moshe asked the Almighty to our people one more day to fulfill this commandment. That day was the 14th of Iyar. Moreover, our sages write that the holiness of Passover (the main celebrated in Nisan) continues for a month - 14 Iyar! On the day of Pesach Sheni, as well as on special days of the fasting month of Iyar, see the article "The events of the month of Iyar Pesach Sheni, and fasts," Rabbi Leib Nachman Zlotnik.

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