Ahavat Israel AZ



For the  Passover 2025 Guide Please click the link below.

Passover 2025 Guide

Ahavat Israel Seudat Shlishit

To ensure the success of our weekly community Seudat Shlishit, we invite each family to participate in sponsorship. It's a great mitzvah, and you earn merit for everyone who partakes. Maaser money can be used. You can dedicate your sponsorship in memory of a loved one or for happy occasions such as birthdays, bar/bat mitzvahs, welcoming a new baby, or simply because you wish to contribute to the community.

Please reserve two slots for the year by entering your family name in the designated cells. Then, kindly indicate your preferred catering option. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Boris at (602) 570-0210.

To access click the link below

Ahavat Israel Seudat Shlishit

For All Generous Donations Via Zelle

Please send all Zelle payments to ahavatisrael14@gmail.com 

Thank you for you Donation